Something I just had to share…

June 12, 2007 at 2:44 am (Uncategorized)

In the spare time that I have had over the last few weeks I have been creating graphics for my very very special friend Paul, to promote him to everyone possible.

This is a graphic I created over the weekend which I am very happy with. I also took the photo as well so its even better.

He likes it very much which is great too. If you go to his my space sites you can see a lot more photos and graphics I have done for him.

As well as listening to his music of course.

Hopefully he will be travelling to the U.S.A in August and September so I shall give you the dates and places he will be playing when it gets closer to the time.

I love doing this sort of creative stuff for him and others of course, and would like to do a lot more of it. Hopefully doing his graphics will lead me into doing more graphics for other musicians and bands.

Anyway I am very proud of this.

Love Me xxxxxx

P.S. It looks best if you look at the enlarged version.


  1. ☮ Sky ☮ said,

    I think that looks really great! I love making graphics too, and I always love looking at other’s creations too.

    I’m off to see his MySpace page now!

  2. Toni A said,

    I think you are so talnted. I checked out your friends site but couldn’t stay long. Will have to visit again. His voice is so soothing. I wish him all the best. P.S. Please do some graphics for me

  3. standing bear said,

    IIIIIIII LOVE IT!!!! great work, maybe you could do a Native American theam for me,pleasssseeeeeeee!!!take care my sweet,have a lovely day xox

  4. standing bear said,

    Yes as a matter of fact i do have mild super powers, and it’s a little scary for me but i’ve learned to live with them,bear,xox

  5. Anonymous said,

    Looks Great! You Rock!!!

  6. Bellemai said,

    Wow, that is so totally awesome! Reminds me of my youth, the psychedelic stuff we used to draw on cars and vans for our bands and musicians! Not at all derivative, I don’t mean that, but it has the same energy and passion in it that we felt our stuff had!

  7. Anonymous said,

    That is beautiful. You have unwittingly created a time machine. As soon as I saw it, I flashed back to a night in college…with my friend “Daddy” Miller. He was a History Major and now a lawyer, but he is an amazing artist…we were hanging out with our altered states and he pulls out a piece of red construction paper and a black-ink sharpie…he scribbled here, crosshatched there…it looked like, well a bunch of scribble..5 minutes later, I was looking at the coolest portrait of Jimi Hendrix…I am blowing this long wind to make a point, lol…I am sure, that in 15 years, I will be talking about this amazing picture/graphic of Paul Addie that a friend of mine did.

  8. Anonymous said,

    it’s fabulous! i hope he’s going to use it as a CD cover. it reminds me of something jimi hendrix or bob marley would like, only unqiue in itself…wonderful job and if it doesn’t get you more graphic requests-there’s something wrong with the musicians down there!

  9. carebear said,

    its beautiful and you are very talented god luck

  10. Anonymous said,

    I wondered if you did all the graphics for Paul. OK, I’ll hit myself in the head,duh! LOL! You are very talented!

  11. Anonymous said,

    Way to showcase your varied talents, my friend!!

  12. basket_1960_420 said,

    i checked out pauls my space and truly enjoyed the music hopein your day was full of jy and laughter

  13. LO said,

    Awesome! I agree with the others. You are very talented. Hopefully, he will be playing in Ohio at some point. Keep us posted!

  14. Anonymous said,

    Wonderful graphic work Fluffy! i think Paul is a very gifted artist as well.

  15. Truculent Trencherman™ said,

    Really cool graphics for your friend. He certainly has the look and sound of a seasoned preformer.

  16. Anonymous said,

    Ok, so my comment is lost again down here in the myriads of other comments that my ever so popular friend receives! But I just wanted to say that the picture reminds me of the psycodellics from the ’60’s. And it would make a great album cover. Keep us in touch with his concerts in the USA. If he makes it to the Seattle area I will be sure to catch his gig.

  17. Anonymous said,

    very nice blog (;0)

  18. Anonymous said,

    Just wanted to tell you that you do very good work. It is a talent I admire and envy, as I can’t even draw a stick man.
    Very Nice!

  19. Curtis said,

    hey i’m impressed, I can’t even read my own handwritting lol

  20. Anonymous said,

    Im sure Paul is thrilled with your graphics Fluffy, this is a terrific one, please don’t tell me you were just doodling. lol. havnt seen a doodle pic from you in a while, now i know why, you have been far too busy being a designer. If i ever need a design you will definitely be the first one i would come to. hugs and keep up the great creative masterpieces.

  21. Anonymous said,

    No doubt about it, I can see why you’re proud of it… I can’t wait to hear more about it, I will say a prayer that you get more work coming in for musicians/artists! I love seeing people’s dreams coming true… love seeing their creative abilities move forward…

    As well, Cat Stevens link in your blast, GREAT choice! WOW! Love him…

  22. Anonymous said,

    P.s. I ‘m unable to visit myspace b/c it boots me off the internet every time I do. Have never been able to figure it out yet but it’s got to do with my Norton Internet Security no doubt plus whatever popup junk comes from myspace.

  23. Cyber said,

    Your graphic style is very much akin to the psychedelic graphic art style of the 60’s. When done right, it’s beautiful to see. (You did good!) Just be careful to use the right colours to match with the artist’s song styles/genre. That’s the real key, if you know what I mean.

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